Baler hidrolik vertikal untuk limbah tekstil

Baler-Hidraulik-Vertikal-Untuk-Sampah-Tekstil 1
4.8/5 - (16 suara)

A vertical hydraulic baler is mainly used for the pressing and recovery of compressed textiles, cotton, fabric, fiber, cardboard, waste film, waste paper, foam plastics, beverage cans, industrial scraps, and other waste materials. For fiber recycling, a fiber baler machine is often applied to bale various fibers for convenient storage and transport in the waste fiber recycling line. The textile baling machine reduces waste storage space, saves up to 80% stacking space, reduces transportation costs, and is conducive to environmental protection and waste recovery.

Uses of vertical hydraulic baling machine

This series of hydraulic baling machines can be used for packing all kinds of waste products for recycling. In textile industries, the textile baling machine can bale various kinds of waste fabric, cotton, yarn, wool, clothes, coconut fiber, flax fiber, leather, chemical fibers, etc. In other recycling industries, it is also applicable to waste coke bottles, waste paper, waste cotton, woolen sliver, scrap paper strip, paper edge, cotton, etc. And it is also suitable for farm use, packing feed for storage. Of course, users can choose the better model according to the actual demand.

Main features of vertical hydraulic baler

  1. Hydraulic compaction, manual loading, and manual button operation;
  2. Completely maintain the physical characteristics of the material;
  3. The waste material compaction ratio can reach 5:1;
  4. Two bales for easy operation;
  5. Anti-rebound barbs, keep the compression effect;
  6. The pressing plate automatically returns to position.
Vertical hydraulic baling machine's structure
Vertical hydraulic baling machine’s structure

Vertical baling machine parameter

Hydraulic pressure(T)30306080120
Body size (L*W)800*400mm900*600mm900*600mm1100*800mm3800*1200mm
Handling capacity (h)0.8-1T1-1.2T1.5-2T2-3T4-5T
Total weight (T)
Parameter list

The vertical textile baler machine can be divided into the single-cylinder type and double-cylinder type. The general hydraulic pressure reaches from 30 to 120 tons. The machine model is named based on the hydraulic pressure. The baling speed is 6-8 bales/h and the height of each bale is adjustable. The standard voltage and frequency are 380V/50HZ and they can be customized. Users can choose a suitable machine model based on different materials and processing quantities.

Display of vertical hydraulic baler

Vertical hydraulic baler
Vertical Hydraulic Baler


What should I pay attention to when using a baling machine?

Air harus dihindari sebisa mungkin selama pengoperasian mesin. Hal ini karena, pertama, air menimbulkan korosi pada logam dalam sistem hidrolik baler, memperpendek masa pakai komponen, dan partikel korosi jatuh ke dalam sistem, menyebabkan keausan.

Kedua, oli hidrolik akan rusak, terutama dengan adanya air, oksigen, dan lain-lain, sehingga membentuk polimer kental, yang umumnya dikenal sebagai lumpur oli. Ketika suhu melebihi 65 derajat, laju oksidasi semakin cepat. Dan efek oksidasi berlipat ganda untuk setiap penambahan 10 derajat.

Why should choose a good quality baler manufacturer?

Memilih untuk membeli peralatan mesin baling berkualitas baik tidak hanya dapat menenangkan pikiran Anda tetapi juga menghemat uang. Biaya perawatannya rendah dan kualitas purna jual peralatan mesin baling yang lebih baik sesegera mungkin, dan Anda dapat merasa nyaman menghasilkan uang. Namun biaya pemasangan mesin baling berkualitas buruk sangat rendah, dan kualitas alam tidak dapat dijamin.

Shuliy Machinery adalah produsen mesin baler vertikal profesional selama lebih dari sepuluh tahun, mengintegrasikan pengembangan, desain, manufaktur, dan penjualan. Kami mengamati proses produksi yang ketat dan memiliki sistem kontrol kualitas yang canggih. Perusahaan kami menawarkan mesin baling berkualitas tinggi dengan sertifikasi profesional, dan layanan purna jual menyeluruh pada saat yang bersamaan. Produk kami dijual di seluruh negeri dan diekspor ke Amerika Serikat, Jepang, Spanyol, India, india, Mayasipan, Filipina, Afrika Selatan, dan banyak negara lainnya.Textile baling machines

What should be paid attention to when removing the hydraulic cylinder?

Firstly, carry out the removal of the hydraulic cylinder of the baler in a clean environment to prevent pollution by surrounding dust, impurities, and other dirt. Protect the disassembled parts from dust. For example, cover the disassembled parts with plastic cloth, cotton cloth, and other industrial cloth shall not be covered.

Secondly, discharge the two chambers of the oil cylinder before disassembling the cylinder.

Lastly, disassembling should be in sequence. Because various hydraulic cylinder forms are not the same, the disassembly sequence is also slightly different. The cylinder head is usually removed first, and the piston and piston rod are finally removed.

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